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Win up to 500,000 worth grant to take B2 at Innovative Centre

Innovative Centre and Cambridge Assessment English launch small grant programs for those who wish to take B2 First (FCE) exams in upcoming months.

This is an excellent chance for students of Innovative Centre to receive a chance to take Cambridge English Exam funded by Innovative Centre Scholarship Committee. The scholarship will start on May 2021 and aims to support talented students with poor financial background.

Amount of scholarship: approximately 500,000 UZS

Award: partially funds B2 First (FCE) exams

Deadline: ongoing (students can apply any time)

Eligibility requirements:

◦ has been studying as a full-time student of Innovative Centre for at least two months

◦ Level level A2 and higher

◦ Proof of participation at events run by Innovative Centre

◦ Strong academic and professional qualities

◦ Recommendation from teacher

The grant can only be used to cover B2 First Exams and cannot be transferred for any other purposes or any other candidate. Innovative Centre reserves the right to reject on giving grants, even if candidate meets all requirements and each application to receive grant will be considered on case by case basis.

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