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Open Talk with Harold Eliot Varmus

On 14th January, Innovative Centre organized Open talk with Professor Harold Varmus. Harold Eliot Varmus is American physician virologist, winner of the 1989 Nobel prize in Physiology and Medicine for discovery of the cellular nature of retroviral oncogenes. Even if the meeting was in hybrid format(via zoom), participants still had an opportunity to ask the questions they wanted. During the meeting, Professor E. Varmus answered all the questions and gave valuable advice to students, regarding to how to choose a future career and how to become as successful as he is. He assessed the value of English and explained its importance not only in medicine, but in all other fields and how to conduct your own research without hesitations in selected profession. "If you want to get to right solution, you have to identify the problem first." - says Professor E. Varmus.

The aim of organizing such Open Talks is to not only boost the English level, but also broadening the horizon of students.

Those who missed the talk, can watch the recorded version via YouTube, just click on the link:


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