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IELTS Speaking Masterclass

A masterclasses with the title "The most common errors in IELTS Speaking and how to avoid them" was conducted by an international expert Alex Ulko in Samarkand.

A unique event took place on March 5, 2021 at the English language preparation and official exam center “Innovative Centre”.

Hundreds of people gathered to hear the prepared speech of the expert and examiner in the ELT, and they were able to learn the most common mistakes made by Candidates during speaking tests. Participants were mainly students and also many guests were invited from Institute of Foreign Languages, Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Tourism University and others.

This Masterclass was arranged in 3 different sessions; first two opened sessions were mainly addressed to students and last closed session was designed for Teachers and advanced learners. Attendees experienced new methods of improving spoken fluency in English. At the end of the international conference, all participants had chances to personally ask questions from Alex Ulko and received valuable advices.


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