How Did the IELTS World Look Back in 2019?
A time when you probably didn’t know anything about this exam—maybe you were in elementary school or even kindergarten.

Back then, an IELTS 7.0 was considered extremely high. Teachers with such scores could attract students for a full year in advance. IELTS 8.0s were rare, and the number of 8.5 scorers was even lower than today’s 9.0s. If any center had a student scoring 7.0 or 7.5, it became local news—everyone would talk about it and praise it. Even top executives from the local administration would give small presents like laptops or chargers.
At that time, Innovative Centre had just brought (May 2018) the IELTS exam to Samarkand, and now it has become a monthly event. All exams were face-to-face, and people had never even heard of coronavirus.
What Remarkable Event Changed This?
On February 4, 2019, Innovative Centre held its first-ever awarding ceremony—a historic moment that had to be arranged in a rush because more than 10 students had already scored 7.0 or higher. At that time, this was more than any place in the region.
Among those who achieved high scores were:
✔️ Zarshedkhon Sultonov
✔️ Umidjon Avchiev
✔️ Baxtinur Ilashov
…and many others.
Now, these guys have built successful careers in the US, Europe, and Japan.
Back in 2019, we achieved a level of progress that many still struggle to reach today. Since then, we have broken our own records many times over. At that time, it was a shock—people were asking each other in Russian:
❓ “Как так можно?”
❓ “Это всё куплено?”
Are You Still Living in 2019?
If you’re reading this and still not studying at Innovative Centre, ask yourself:
⚡️ Does an IELTS 7.0 still seem unachievable?
⚡️ Is the only thing your teacher can boast about his own score?
Don’t live in 2019.
Join Innovative Centre.